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Melody Leigh is a freelance writer who is always looking for the magic in life. Captivated by fantastical lands and spell-casting heroes from a young age, she loves to craft magical realism stories in which enchanting and supernatural elements are found in realistic settings. She lives under the belief that anything that can be imagined is possible somewhere, even in other worlds, and strives to bring that conviction to life in her work.


When writing characters, Melody loves to delve deeply into their minds and often gets lost writing line after line about their inner workings. This comes from her need to analyze and understand, (a bi-product of the rigorous teaching style of her high school English teacher who insisted his students suffer, and suffer they did). She’s working on toning it back a notch.


Melody earned a Creative Writing BFA from Full Sail University after spending three years bouncing between film and writing programs, much like the ideas in her head. She has no regrets, however, as many of the film classes taught her invaluable production and planning experience. She has received a number of awards, including those for Art History, Project Planning, English Composition, and perhaps her greatest accomplishment, a fancy “Student of the Year” award in sixth grade for which she is still very proud. 


Melody is currently working on an adaptation of Paradox House, a text-based game about three friends who get lost in a haunted mansion, and plans on transforming it into a novel.

“...Mystery is important. To know everything, to know the whole truth, is dull. There is no magic in that. Magic is not knowing, magic is wondering about what and how and where.” - Cortez, The Longest Journey  (1999)


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